Your ideal floor heating solution starts here.

Our range of floor heating systems is extensive, and the type of floor you are heating requires the right heating system choice as every floor is made of different materials and each have their own unique method of installation.

For example, tile floors in bathrooms need to be paired with a heating system suitable for fixing to the floor with the least chance of damaging the waterproof membrane at the same being of a design with the correct heat output in order to heat the floor and room with extensive cold surfaces. On the other hand, tile floors in living rooms and bedrooms with softer finishes require a heating system suitable for this application.

Allow us help you find the floor heating you need below or call us on 1300 566 934 for assistance.

Heated Tile, Stone & Vinyl Floors


Find the ideal solution to warm tile, stone & vinyl floors with electric in-floor heating.

Heated Concrete Floors


Heat adds function to beautifully polished concrete floors.

Heated Carpet Floors


Heating beneath carpet provides added warmth under your feet.

Heated Timber Floors

personal heating

Heated timber floors offer a warm surface to the touch.

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